My father 68 year old Nye Frank homicide in Riverside County in front of his wife Lee Frank 72 was covered up for political favors. The sheriff audio of the father Phil Reddish high school goverment teacher and wrestling coach at Norco High states who high up in DA office will help him and how. The person he states is alledged to be Brian Floyd the campaign manager for the Sheriff, DA, and Fire Captain and past student of Phil Reddish.
Lee Frank was told her husband did not have any injuries, and died of a heart attack. Even though she stated her husband was beat while even passed out by 27 year old Ty Reddish who is a adult baseball player and professionally trained in judo and wrestling.
The sheriff did not investigate because he said the DA is not going to prosecute. The Adult protective service refused to come out because they said the DA did not report it.
The Attorney General wrote that the DA has the discretion to make all decisions.
The Fbi did not reply.
The agency for Federally funded programs replied this is one incident without investigation. Lee requested a elder advocate several times and told Riverside County did not have one. Later the DA Rod Pacheco got a award for his elder advocate program, that I verified was funded and Federal Funds used.
The autopsy states homicide with natural cause of death. It does not meet medical legal guidelines.
The court records were changed and did not match the maine court house records. The 27 year old was on summary probation. I requested to the judge to go to the probation hearing. He waited till after the probation exspired and wrote that I cannot contact him directly, that only the DA can report the violation to him. Later I also saw that he is on a committee with Brian Floyd.
The sheriff, Coroner, and fire department would not release their reports. I asked the Victims advocate several times what our rights were, what was in the file, requested for protection from the killer and his family for stalking us daily for months and isolating Lee Frank a elder by intimidating neighbors. ( neighbors state kid gets in touble all the time and dad gets him off -story of a rape, selling a illegal gun a arrest made of the other party, illegal drug use.) Also we had turned in two affidavates of recent events that violated his probation along with a chp recording of him driving without a license in direct violation of his probation.
I called Nova the national org for victims to get help getting the sheriff report, fire department report and autopsy. They said they had to deal with the DA victim advocate as she should of taken care of this. (showing there is a fiduciary duty)
Before getting the report the autopsy was given to the Press Enterprise newspaper. This was 5 months after my fathers death and they put on the front page of the newspaper that this was a heart attack and fist fight. The newsman called for a interview and told me he had report. I asked him to fax it to me which he did from the press enterprise fax. I received our copy in mail after this. It is alledged that he Jose Abberra was the boyfriend of the prosecutor Daima Calhoun. (also in a recent case before us she was being accused of fabricating evidence and the judge over turned her conviction.)
When the prosecutor came to our property after my dads death she was very hostile toward Lee Frank my mother. Stating to the elder "Lady is your brain working?" Lee stated to her why are you trying to make me say something I do not know? The prosecutor had Lee Frank stand near her husbands dead body to take pictures like they were arresting her.
The 3rd day after Nye Franks death a call to the sheriff from us after having Ty Reddish and his entire family standing on the coner two doors away from us waving and walking along any one driving on road. They stated no charges were filed and Ty Reddish released. April the eldest grandchild spoke to the officer and asked him why. He said because of something your grandmother said. (tactic to humilate and belitter Lee Frank to her family)
I called to request the sheriff speak to us about the investigation. He informed us there was not a investigation as the DA was not filing charges and stated that she was at the autopsy (he was also per records) Nye Frank died of a heart attack and did not have injuries. We asked him to come to talk to my mom in person.
will continue
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