Friday, June 19, 2009

Riverside County DA Victim Advocate Just heard Mike is now a Judg

Just heard Mike is now a Judge. Are you going to
work for him?
Dawn Breedlove <>
Dawn Breedlove <> Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 11:09
To: "Emmerling, Kim" <>
My reply to what I heard. That is a bad thing for Riverside. Unfortunately he
fully participated in the cover up. Maybe that helped him get that promotion. I
spoke to Kim the victim advocate in his office and she was leaving there today.
She was the only witness to him getting caught lieing to us. She was in the
room when he was saying Nye had a heart attack, then he raised his hands and
changed it and admitted it was strangulation, but now a mutual combat. Then
he insisted they read the letters that were submitted. When I asked him to
open the book the letters were'nt there and he admitted they did not read
them. then we went on to if Ty was drug tested or not and I insisted he check.
He was not. I don't think it would be a good thing for him to have Kim there as
I wanted to have her go to court. [QUOTE=ride red]Micheal Rushton was
elected as a judge for riverside in june, he won the spot as a judge
uncontested. I really hope that justice is served. I didnt know your step father
but from what i have read on rdc he was a respected and well liked man. I see
that you are following all the avenues possible. good luck[/QUOTE]

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