Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Supervisor performance

62. Managers shall analyze the circumstances surrounding the presence or absence of a supervisor at (a) a Categorical Use of Force incident, and (b) the service of a search warrant. In each case, such analysis shall occur within one week of the occurrence of the incident or service to determine if the supervisor's response to the incident or service was appropriate. Such supervisory conduct shall be taken into account in each supervisor's annual personnel performance evaluation.

in reference to:

"62. Managers shall analyze the circumstances surrounding the presence or absence of a supervisor at (a) a Categorical Use of Force incident, and (b) the service of a search warrant. In each case, such analysis shall occur within one week of the occurrence of the incident or service to determine if the supervisor's response to the incident or service was appropriate. Such supervisory conduct shall be taken into account in each supervisor's annual personnel performance evaluation."
- Civil Rights Division Home Page (view on Google Sidewiki)

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